Thursday, November 19, 2009

What makes me so Special? Mr. Durden would not approve::::

Tyler Durden Says

" You are not speacial! You are not a beautiful and unique Snowflake!"

and I like Tyler Durden I really do but I dont buy this bullshit. Not for me. I am special. I am not a Unique Snowflake I am the snowball that started the Avalanche. Ive been special my whole life. I have always had special gifts. I have always had purpose. In an age where all my peers were born haphazardly as a mere byproduct of sexual intercourse, I was brought here to earth on a mission. And I damn well aim to completet that mission.

Let me pause in this ranting a little moment to give you a little perspective. Firstly, my favorite cult classic next to the Matrix just marked its Tenth year anniversary. Thats right. Fight Club.

With some of the best lines in Cinema history. THE FIRST RULE OF FIGHT CLUB IS, WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!

I had somewhat of a religious experience when I first saw this movie but I'll save that for a later blog post.

Secondly, I was lost but now I am found. I'm always losing myself and this time I was gone for a long time but now I'm angry. Cuz I (again) found out who my worst enemy is. My own damn self. and Imma fight this bastrad tooth and nail till I get what it is that I want. back to my rant.

::Tyler Durden would not approve. and heres why. He would not approve because truthfully, I am Tyler Durden. I am an Urban messiah and a legend in the making and no matter what happens, in the end my name will ring forever. Just like his. The reason he would not approve is because I am organizing my own revolution. Not just joining one. I am adding to a cause even greater than his. I am opening eyes to a bigger picture. A larger reality is unfolding.

Tyler said " If our Fathers were our Models for God then what does that say about us?" In his case this means that he is "God unwanted child". But My fathe/God wants me so this is where we differ Mr. Durden.

I will shine. I will be the truth. Like Jet Li said at the end of his movie.....

I will be the ONE.