Friday, June 18, 2010

Ramblin On a Summer day-ThankMeLater?

Don't you hate when you become the person you used to talk shit about?

I've been blessed on this journey called life to see a bigger picture. It seems like the divine energy doesn't want Me to be close minded because anything I used to hate or talk shit about I've now come full circle to understand and sometimes admire. This revelation only fuels my theory that we only hate things that we despise in ourselves. So now that I'm afloat with no boat and I've lost my holier than thou attitude, what now? If I'm no longer mad at the world what will I do with my rage?

I'm starting to incorporate forced revelation into my life with almost a religious devotion. I figure, if I don't wake myself up then who will right? Everything inside of e is calling for me to leave this continent. My mentor always asks me what am I looking for.... I can never tell him. I'll know when I find it.... But its not here. Its the artist in me. It needs to be moved. I need to shake myself awake.

My Greatest talent is my Ability to learn from scratch or to relearn things that i think I already know. i know that I know enought ot know that i know nothing... You Know? But now that I'm Back at Ground level who will direct me? I don't want to break connectioons with my King.... But No one is where I want to be... No one is who I want to be or is doing what I know I can do.... It's all a little depressing....

I'm right at that Cusp of failure... Not failure at a thing but failure at life. Dead end Job. Worthless Marriage. A spiritual and Mental death looms over me, the likes of which will be difficult to escape. This is the point of rebirth. All I need is a place to be born again.

Whatever I want to do I want it to benefit my nation. At least I know, no matter what I believe personally that my works will benefit the Greater good...

That's me rambling....

\||/ Audibles\||/ Thank Me Now- Drake
\||/ Mandibles\||/ Tofurkey Kielbasa Fajita!
\||/ Readables\||/ The 50th law- Robert Green. Nuff said
\||/Watcheables\||/ Burn Notice....


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