Thursday, April 29, 2010

Love Lost Won and In betwitxt the Beginning- RAAAANNTTT

Sooooo I’m back Ranters! There’s no particular reason that I haven’t been writing, except that life sat on my chest and has barking in my ear for a week or so. But I can’t let that stop me from writing. Not ever. If you love something you should do it every day. Every single day and it’s been days since I wrote a post. I did write or rather co-write a poem recently though...I think that counts….

So what have I been blogging about lately? I have been doing topics right? I think it’s time for a good old fashioned rant. No purpose, No coherent meaning. I’ll just shovel the shit out of my brain and let you sort it out.

WTF is love? I just had an interesting conversation last night with my friend Natalie about the nature of love and relationships and I spoke on a couple of points that I found surprising namely, the following:

My longest relationship has been only 6 months: 6 Months? This from the guy who wants a mandatory 5 year pursuit before he marries a woman and I can’t manage a year’s worth of relationship? That’s effing terrible. I don’t know what it is, but my girlfriends never seem to pan out. Now I’m stuck trying to figure out if I actually need to try and press a relationship beyond 6 months or if that’s just me forcing it?

Fear and Longing: I’m learning new levels to the term, “Be careful what you wish for” every day. What you wish for will come back to bite you in the end. But does that mean we shouldn’t wish at all? For instance, I used to and sort of still do wish to be feared. This was and is for a multiplicity of reasons, the first being that I think its cool and the second being that I think if more people were afraid of me then more would be safe from me. But now it hurts a little. I’m feared for strange reasons. Not because I’m physically intimidating (I am not) But because I have silver tongue and I’m not to be trusted. I’m feared because I’m too smart and If and when I get my hands on the power I desire, I may cause some sort of irreparable damage. I’m feared by powerful women because though I look good, they are afraid of losing some of their power to me. I’m feared because I’m a soldier without a cause and all I long for is to be understood. I long for forgiveness for sins committed and sins I may still commit. I long for acceptance. I long for understanding. I long to be left. Alone. I long for Companionship. I long to find someone to pour my love into but the ones I keep picking don’t measure up.

Time and Penance: So is it too late? Am I running out of time? For my heart I mean. I feel like there might be a time limit for me to love or else I will let the power trippy side of me take over and it won’t be pretty. If that happens I can only love after a fashion and I will only develop a companion who is integral to me attaining and maintaining my own power. It won’t have anything to do with love and it won’t be rosy or pretty like in the movies. Maybe things will be different when I’m 30…..
I’m tired of this subject matter now…

\||/ Audibles\||/ AFI Album December Underground. Love like Winter is probably My favorite =)

\||/ Readables\||/ The Newspaper! I like the AJC even if their new layout looks like USA Today =(

\||/Mandibles\||/ Vegan Cheesecake- its effing delicious


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April Posting Schmosting

April Blog season

My bad y'all I been off for April Blog season. Been off my posting game. Besides there'd be less ranting going on and more lamentations than anything. Suffice it to say that April has been.... Interesting...

I'VE actually got some backlogs that I started but never finished. So how bout this? How bout I'll kick u guys all the posts I missed before April ends? Let's see..... I was up to twice per week so.. 8. I think I owe 5 more. Ok. Great.

QUICKRANT!!! When are these Dread headed Muhfuckin Atlanta Niggas gonna quit disgracing my fuckin city and all die out in one massive gunbattle? Or dissspear into a college or something? Damn. I learned long ago not to expect individuality from people because its not in thier nature... But there's a few groups that we can do without.


Obviously locks don't make you evil. However, Nowadays Niggers of the umpteenth level of niggerdom have adopted the hairstyle and in Atlanta all the same mannerisms. They say "Swag" every 13 seconds, Talk like their dictionary at home was for decoration and replace engagement rings with children to seal a commitment. They just gotta fuckin GO!

©Futuristic Swag Niggas

These are a mix between regular Niggas and skinny jean niggas. They have mohawks. They gotta go too.


Nicki Minaj did this to us. Sever the head and the rest will scatter.

That mini rant made me mad. I'm leaving now.

\||/Watchables\||/ "Dead like me" On The show is kind of morbid and kind of funny. I like it =)


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Low Key Review: The HUndred Thousand Kingdoms

Ok so I'm guilty. I judged a book by its cover. I was perusing my local library, bored out of my mind and I picked this book up.

"The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms?" I thought. "This might be cool." I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. I started reading this book yesterday at around 2:00 PM..... I finished it this morning. All 410 pages of it plus an interview and a preview of the next book in the series. And now I'm salivating in anticipation for its release in the fall

(Sidenote- How awesome is it that e won't have to wait for a a year or more for the next book? Unlike SOME authors I know! *Side-eye* at Christopher Paolini and J.K. Rowling, Ms. Jemisin doesn't want us to DIE of anticipation!) But I digress. To the Book Review!

100K (As the book is so affectionately called by its author on her website) is a first person account of A beautiful heroine Yeine(YAY-neh) Darr from the Barbaric North. Her past heritage catches up to her In an unexpected way when her Grandfather(whom No one ever argues with) Summons her to the Faraway city of Sky with an important announcement. He wants her, who he has never met or spoken to or even acknowledged before, to succeed him to the Throne of the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms.

This much you can learn from the cover and the teaser first page. After that is where I was pleasantly surprised that even this bold statement had far far far underestimated the scope of this beautiful story.

Engaging is the way that I describe all of my favorite writers. They have a way of engaging all 5 of your senses and even the 6th sense for those who have it, in order to totally immerse you into the world that they have created. This is what this literary Master N.K. Jemisin has so expertly done with 100K. She draws us into the politically charged world of the Amn who are the ruling class of all the world. While drawing on all of the older experiences with cut throat nobility of our own history (See- Entire History of Courtesans in France and Great Britain) she adds entirely new elements that give this world a life of its own.

We find out soon that Yeine is a pawn in someones deadly game and she is desperate to find out how to leave the playing field alive. She meets dangerous Family members and her own personal antagonista is her own Cousin, Scimina, whose own brand of delicate and delicious cruelty is nothing short of masterful, in the way she is painted as the classic evil yet understandably so.

Yeine finds out so much and discovers it all so fast that it is hard to believe that the entire account merely spans about 2 weeks in her life, which is another thing I love about the book, it gives you such an awesome sense of real-time.

I could ramble on and on about this book suffice it to say these last few things::::::

\/ Characters\/ Stunning Character development is displayed through out the entire work, my favorite examples of which are the Gods Nahadoth and Seigh. You would expect a God to have a complex character right? They do.

\/Palace Politics\/ I've been fascinated with Palace politics every since I first read "The 48 Laws of Power" and Jemisin seems to have read it too the way the power plays are made as well as reminiscent of Sun Tzu's "The art of War"

\/ Writing\/ I cannot express enough the overall capability of the Writer! She makes everything so...Complete! All around well rounded.

Jemisin is a genius and if anyone is deserving of the continuing legacy of Octavia Butler, I say its her.

Check out her Website. She blogs regularly.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lowkey review: Diggy Simmons' First Flight to the Future of Hip-Hop

My brother told me I gotta check out this kid Diggy Simmons new mix-tape. So I did. Before I give y'all what I think I'll tell you about my first thoughts.

\||/ First thoughts\||/

Is that Run's son?

How old is this kid?

Whats all his buzz from? The TV show?

He prolly getting a leg up from his dad right?


The fist song I heard from him was "Flow Stoopid" a Freestyle to Nas' Made you look. What did I think? We have a Problem (First Flight Track 8). This kid is pure raw talent. His flow is quick and witty. His references are relevant and He isn't trying to copy cat off anybody in the game. To be truthful, I can't even make a comparison of him to any rapper I can think of. He's unique and he's so solid in his own identity that he doesn't need anyone else to validate him.

This kid Diggy comes off with a type of humility and honesty that no one would ever expect from a rich Kid. Some would ask why he wants to rap? He's not street, he's not hood, or gangsta so why rap? He doesn't have to???


We've been seeing this new school of rappers for a while now and Diggy is just continuing on the legacy Of Kanye, Kid Cudi, Lupe Fiasco Wale and others who have proven that rap has no boundaries. They break all the stereotypes of what rap and hip hop has been and are become the future of this game. And we are loving every minute of it.

To me, Diggy proves that Talent can't be bought. If you are talented and youve honed your talents, then you will be recognized as having talent. First Flight (Download link) is a top notch Mixtape that comes out swinging and doesn't stop. A lot of the tracks are Album quality. Some people might say "He's got all the best equipment and his dad has a million dollar studio" I say check the video below. You cannot buy talent. Certainly you can make talent sound better with an expensive microphone, but I ask you, Why is Diggy better than his brother Jo Jo? they got the same contacts.

Diggy Embraces Rap as an Art form which is something you see so precious little of. He's putting his entire age group to shame and I hope he can keep his work ethic up over at Atlantic Records who he just signed a deal with. I'm rooting for the kid.
