Friday, December 25, 2009


Sooooooo not much to say here. I love how some actors are putting in Soooo much work in 09'. Channing Tatum had like 3 flicks. ( G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) Playing: Captain Duke Hauser, Public Enemies (2009) Playing: Pretty Boy Floyd, Fighting (2009) ) Taraji P.Henson Has been in all kinda movies(I Can Do Bad All by Myself (2009) .... April ... aka Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All by Myself (USA: complete title) , Not Easily Broken (2009) .... Clarice Clark , Hurricane Season (2009/I) .... Dayna Collins , The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Yeah its from 2008 but its my favorite!) .... Queenie) And Gerard Butler has been Blazing up the screen!( Law Abiding Citizen (2009) .... Clyde Shelton , Gamer (2009) .... Kable , The Ugly Truth (2009) .... Mike Chadway)

But you know who I'm in Love with? Who I'm excited about? Really hyped for? Oh yeah, Zoe Saldana.( Avatar (2009) .... Neytiri ... aka Avatar: An IMAX 3D Experience (USA: IMAX version) ... aka James Cameron's Avatar (International: English title: promotional title) , The Skeptic (2009) .... Cassie , Star Trek (2009) .... Uhura ) This is the hottest actress in Hollywood right now. She will have 4 movies out in 2010 and she's signed on For the Star Trek Sequel in 2011. A-Ma-Zing!

Oh how I love her!


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Thursday, December 24, 2009


Iconic Images are Pics that we see ALLLL the Time. They Define a CELEBRITY a MOMENT a PLACE an EVENT and a TIME. These are some of the images of 2009.

I'll only Comment on a couple Images.


This was an even that ROCKED America just because it was SOOOOO RUDE! Come on Kanye! Why you sitting on this poor lil white girls dreams? Yeah we all know Kanye thinks he's an activist for Black People, But DAMN was all that really necessary? But I already Knew He was a douche so I wasn't surprised......


All the Jay-Z fans was like WTF Jay?

When you first look at it it looks like visual vomitm But it kinda grows on you don't it?

Chris Brown Graffitti

Not as Iconic as it should have been cuz the stores REFUSE to shelve it. Sigh* just goes to show.....something.....

More to come! Next up, ACTORS AND ACTRESSES!

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Well Folks, Its 1 o' clock and This is the last post for day 3

Fads And Phrases of 09'!

I done pissed off half my Facebook friends today and I'm low key alright about

I LOVE most of the phrases of this year but there aren't any Fads I really liked. But thtas not anything special cuz I DONT LIKE FADS! Hahahah! Anyway here's my Final List Of Top Fads and Phrases and Some Pics I made of em. ENJOY!

1.Whea dey do dat at?

2. We off That

3. BAOW!


5. I'm bout ta go HAM

6. "Chris Browned"

7.I'm Goin IN

(Fads in No order of annoyance)

1. Skinny Jeans

2. Ga Ga

3.Dammit....I'm outta Fads!

Haha! Post some!

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

EFFIN SKINNY JEANS: The Fashion "Desaster" of 09'

So I got Beef with this one fad. This ONE fad that irks me to my core. Its based in my belief that the fashion and music industries aim to DEMASCULATE and Castrate all Men but I aint even gotta take it that deep in this post. Just.....


My Favorite Skinny Jeans quote EVER-

"Skinny Jeans are a Fashion DISASTER.They look HISEOUS on Girls and Atrocious on GUYS. They come in 577 different color variations yet they match absolutely NOTHING! They feel like Denim Underwear, Can you imagine?"___Aaron Maurice Goolsby of

( Here's the Video its from. ITS Hilarious! Go watch! )

I've got a few questions though:

1. Who decided to resurrect these damn things from the 80's? What A$$hole was looking at his parents old clothes box and went "Oh yeah, These pants are ugly and uncomfortable, I think I'll start making them again!"


YALL LOOK STUPID! Grow up and stop following every new fad that comes out! Dummy! What "Real" woman is gonna want a feminine man? Or are the lines blurred that badly that they stopped caring?

I know I've got Male friends who are into these things but here's question number three for my dudes.


Damn! Don't yo Balls hurt? Let em Breathe! Please! Your future children demand it!


The point of the pants is that they fit. If you sag em not only AARRRRFGGGGHHHHHHHhddtgdghejuhyjerydetged I can't even finish that one!

I'm still angry about this. Might be a video.


I leave you with this quote

"hello! skinnyjeans® - Web Site of the Official Skinny Jeans!Hello SkinnyJeans are made from ultra comfortable girdle fabric that slims the thighs and lifts and shapes the buttocks. You will look 15 pounds thinner"----The official Website.

Yeah, Real Manly

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Fads and Phrases of 09' Continued....

YO! So BlackBerry's server went down yesterday and I couldn't finish Blog Bombing so I decided to carry over my theme from Yesterday. Enjoy!

Let's talk Gaga. Lady Gaga That is. Why is she a fad and not filed under music? CUZ SHES TEMPORARY! (I hope)

Nah, how did she go from Poker face(Song about Cunningulus) to Poke HER Face(Cudi,Common and Kanye, On Cunningulus)
To Just dance to Videophone......Its not that Hate Gaga per se, I'm just Tired of her! She's EVERYWHERE! Maybe I'll get over my Gaga Overload. In the meantimen here is a funny Gaga Parody!.....TheGift
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Fads And Phrases continued......

YO! So BlackBerry's server went down yesterday and I couldn't finish Blog Bombing so I decided to carry over my theme from Yesterday. Enjoy!

Let's talk Gaga. Lady Gaga That is. Why is she a fad and not filed under music? CUZ SHES TEMPORARY! (I hope)

Nah, how did she go from Poker face(Song about Cunningulus) to Poke HER Face(Cudi,Common and Kanye, On Cunningulus)
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So I'm starting day 2 Kinda late but I've just been negotiating better content for yall. Today's topic iiiisssss


This one is a public opinions polle as well as a Personal rant. Here is What's Facebook Had to say......

-Yoehzer Ben Yeeftahk-

(That's Me)

Today on the Panorantic View we will be discussing FADS AND PHRASES OF 09'! WHEA DEY DO DAT AT? What was your favorite?....TheGift 2 hours ago - via Facebook for BlackBerry

-Morgan-Leanne House- (That's my Sister)
at 2:41pm

Lady Gaga...the biggest fad of big in fact, that's its carrying over to 2010. lol

-Yoehzer Ben Yeeftahk-
at 2:43pm

So true. I can't stand dat jone At least her fashion sense didn't become popular though. That would have been REALLY scary.

-Joshua Southwaяd-
at 2:43pm
I didnt have a favorite but i hated "Stupid Fruity Swag" that ish sounds gay.

-Yoehzer Ben Yeeftahk-
at 2:45pm

Ew. That does sound Gay as hell!I think Gucci Mane was another fad of 09'. I HATE "Burrr".lol

-Joshua Southwaяd-

at 2:47pm
Yeah "burr" does sound stupid. Id be like dang niqqua you cold or some ish.

-Michael MoneyMike- Ojeda at 2:50pm

Burrr, Stupid fruity & futuristic....swagg been out 4 a min

-Yoehzer Ben Yeeftahk -at 2:53pm

Yeah they Been on "Swagg" Since Early 08'. Its amazing how long niggas can keep stupid sh*t alive!

-Joshua Southwaяd-
at 2:56pm

aint that the truth.

-Morgan-Leanne House -at 2:56pmi

cant be mad...lady gaga's lyrics are pretty decent. BUT as for swag...i'm mad that a perfectly good word "Swagger" has been completely redefined. and shortened. it aint even like "bad" means "good"

Yoehzer Ben Yeeftahk at 3:01pmHahaha! Yeah, I used to have Swagger back when it was confidence and style. Oh well. I still got "Suave" and "Debonaire" so I'm good.

Morgan-Leanne House at 3:03pmdude. remember when swagger was the drunk sailor's walk? lmao!!

Yoehzer Ben Yeeftahk at 3:04pm

Oh yeah! @Morgan: I forgot..... *BAOW*

-Tina C. Oñate-Jofré- at 3:22pmYou've just been "Chris Browned"!!

Yoehzer Ben Yeeftahk at 3:28pmAW SNAP I forgot about that one! I saw a T-shirt that said "I'll Chris Brown a B*tch"! I gotta have one of them!

Hahaha! Ay Yall weigh in!

What was your favorite?
Comment! Rate! Holla!
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Monday, December 21, 2009

Stimulus Shpindulus!

Sooooo In tune with the first post of the day, Let's Talk some more about Obama and The Shatty Economy of 2009 shall we?

On January 28th 2009, Just 8 days after our new El Presidente was crowned King of the Free world, The "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" or "ARRA" (official acronym) passed through the House of representatives. On Feb. 17th Our President Passed it into law, Immediately putting him ahead of the Bush administration for finding and implementing Solutions for America's Failing Economy.

Even though The Crash of the Housing Market and The official *STAMP* of recession was mainly in 2008, Obama Inherited the Mess and the Fallout from the sluggish actions and foolish decisions of the Bush Administration.

The ARRA or as it would become popularly known as "The Stimulus Package" is a 787 Billion dollar effort, Championed by Barack Obama. Has it helped the economy? Possibly. I think that it did more to soothe the fears of the American public than anything. And That it did, since Many many Americans received a check directly in their mailbox because of it.

Did you get a Check? What did you spend it on?

NEXT POST! OBAMA AND THE NOBEL COMMITEE! Peace Prize? Whea dey do dat at?

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The BLOG BOMB: 2009 Year In/End Review Day #1

What's up Panorantic Viewers? It is I.......TheGift. Here to Bring you a year in 10 days. Whew, I've got a lot to cover and Very little time to cover it!

We're gonna rant about EVERYTHING 09' from Obama to Tiger Woods(I knew you guys were waiting for it. I've got a DOOZY for that one) Movies and Music, Celebrities and Moguls I will attempt to cover 355 days and counting and I'm gonna put that personal Touch on it That sets me apart from the rest.

So Let's start st the Beginning Shall we?

January 20th 2009 Marked The Largest Gathering of People at our Nations Capitol since The Million Man March. The Date Marked One of the Most recorded,Written about,Blogged about,Talked About Historic Events in The entire Canon of American History. Barack Obama officially Became the 44th President of The United States of America. It was a proud moment for the world.

I don't Have to rehash the sentimental feelings of a people "Upl From Slavery. (You can go ask ya Grandma For all that) Because If you don't feel it too, why are you reading my blog? Anyway

Barack Obama Marked this year at its beginning as a year of Change. Of Growth and Development. Has it Been? Leave me a comment or an E-mail. Or Just wait for the Next Post!

This is the beginning of Day #1! Stay tuned!

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Mobile Blogger steps it up a notch!

<Bold> Hear ye Hear ye! Panorantic View is now completely mobile!</bold>

So as I step my game up into the 21st Century I have come to appreciate Technology more and more. I was looking for a way to upgrade my blog but still remain Mobile (I blog from my BlackBerry Curve) And I found it! I can just E-mail my Blogposts in from now on! Isn't that awesome?

So here is my test run of this new feature. If you guys have notticed there has been a lack of pictures in my Posts up till now but now I can do that too. Hence these pics:

Yep I let the Fro Go! Its close to 2010 and I'm making Changes everywhere. Changing my Image, My lifestyle, My company and yes, The Blog.

Tomorrow starts the The Year end/in Review! So get ready for some classic ranting!....TheGift
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Im in it for the Glory. But at least Im in it.

Isn't there any thing more to this moment than me sitting on this bed? Facebook Mobiling? Waiting to make a phone call? Like really? Isn't there something greater?

So the peple in my head were in conference again recently and they postipulated that I may just be in it for the glory. This whole bieng a Hebrew Israelite thing appeals to my dramatic Grandeur side.

To be the last of a dying breed on a mission to save the world. On some old Matrix type shit. I can just hear the movie announcer Guy now......

"IN A WORLD THAT HAS GONE TERRIBLY WRONG......AT HE END OF SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IT......ONE MAN DARED TO BECOME A SOLDIER......FOR GOD!" Que the symphony and the music. And put in a picture of The White House Exploding. EPIC.

Someone told me recently That they think I live in a fantasy world. And I admit, I kind of do. But my philosophy is that we need people who can think in Fantasy terms to create the new world. We need people who don't believe in rules or limitations. Because if you leave it up to those who are grounded in "reality" then wekll live in the same shitty world forever! And it'll get worse!

So what if I'm in it for the glory? I think I've got a good balance. I can be humble and Arrogant. Brash and Loud as well as Quiet and softspoken. So what if I don't believe I can be hurt. So what If I think I'm invincible?


Its supposed to be that way.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What makes me so Special? Mr. Durden would not approve::::

Tyler Durden Says

" You are not speacial! You are not a beautiful and unique Snowflake!"

and I like Tyler Durden I really do but I dont buy this bullshit. Not for me. I am special. I am not a Unique Snowflake I am the snowball that started the Avalanche. Ive been special my whole life. I have always had special gifts. I have always had purpose. In an age where all my peers were born haphazardly as a mere byproduct of sexual intercourse, I was brought here to earth on a mission. And I damn well aim to completet that mission.

Let me pause in this ranting a little moment to give you a little perspective. Firstly, my favorite cult classic next to the Matrix just marked its Tenth year anniversary. Thats right. Fight Club.

With some of the best lines in Cinema history. THE FIRST RULE OF FIGHT CLUB IS, WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!

I had somewhat of a religious experience when I first saw this movie but I'll save that for a later blog post.

Secondly, I was lost but now I am found. I'm always losing myself and this time I was gone for a long time but now I'm angry. Cuz I (again) found out who my worst enemy is. My own damn self. and Imma fight this bastrad tooth and nail till I get what it is that I want. back to my rant.

::Tyler Durden would not approve. and heres why. He would not approve because truthfully, I am Tyler Durden. I am an Urban messiah and a legend in the making and no matter what happens, in the end my name will ring forever. Just like his. The reason he would not approve is because I am organizing my own revolution. Not just joining one. I am adding to a cause even greater than his. I am opening eyes to a bigger picture. A larger reality is unfolding.

Tyler said " If our Fathers were our Models for God then what does that say about us?" In his case this means that he is "God unwanted child". But My fathe/God wants me so this is where we differ Mr. Durden.

I will shine. I will be the truth. Like Jet Li said at the end of his movie.....

I will be the ONE.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ring Tones are that Nu Nu I guess

RIng Tones have quickly become the newest market for distributing Singles in America! Its crazy. they now have awards for these things that mirror Gold and Platinum records now you can have Gold and Platinum RINTONE SALES! Wow, how quickly the cell phone has become an inticate irremovable part of the worlds culture. Just 10 years ago nobody had one. Now youre a Pirriah if you DONT have one. funny how things change huh?

But I aint come here to rant about that. I came here to rant about a phenomenon that I only started noticing when I came to Lagrange GA. Here where the culture/color line is so close that it Blurs. This happens all the time:

I'm in the library minding my own business when all of a sudden I hear this


as I search for the rude and disrespectful owner of this Un-silenced cell phone who has the NERVE to accept a call INSIDE of the library, I spy out the culprit. Prepared to cut this Nigga this Illest Nigga look in history, I open my mout in surprise as I find...... a white lady. pretty old and wrinkly looking. at least 50 years of age. and Obviously a heavy smoker.

I am shocked. but this isnt the only time this has happened. As a matter of fact EVERY time I hear a ringtone in public it seems to be a culture shock for me. White fols bumbing Soulja Boy and T.I. Hell on that note, My own ring tone is a Rock song! so I guess I'm not really complaining. I'm just saying this ish is pretty bizarre.

The last time I caught the Greyhound to Atlanta there was a car full of people waiting on the bus to arrive. all of em White and they start to blasting "Live Ya Life" By T.I. and they was ROOOCKIN like hands in the air dont give a fuck I love this song kinda vibe. It was just wierd I tell ya.

Oh well , as long as were gonna be crossing cultures I guess I shouldnt be mad that White Folks wann be cool like us, or that Black Folks wanna be cool like them


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So I know I know, The Panorantic View has been missing its ranter but I do believe its time to rant once again.

Have you ever been so angry that youre calm? So frustrated that it makes you weak? Angry enough to take up arms and destroy those who caused you such pain? Wish you had a baseball bat? Yeah, me too.

So, some D*** stole my Bike yesterday. yes I said "Bike". Yes I am one of those Biker people who goes everywhere on 2 wheels. Feel free to joke about how I need a car, but remember this, I AM MORE FIT THAN YOU ARE! Boom.

Anyway, some young Jack off stole my trusty steed. I'm PISSED! luckily though, Niggas are stupid and I fully expect to revover my ride before the weeks is out. I went to fill out a police report and the lady coop said "Why didnt you come sooner?" I wanted to say "CUZ I FUCKIIN HATE COPS!" but I kept my damn mouth shut, this time.

On a side note,

Do you know these KEYED UP City of Lagrange Police have stopped me THREE DAMN TIMES on a Bycicle? ON A BYCICLE? What kind of Cop in atlanta would EVER stop a man on a damn Bycicle? and every time these Fuckiing Idiots had the nerve to ask me for my DRIVERS License.... Uhhhhh... "Heres your sign"... BITCH YOU DONT SEE ME RIDING ON THIS BIKE? WHY THE FUCK WOULD I HAVE A GOTDAMN LICENSE TO DRIVE?

These boys out here be too keyed up. I'm hopong they use all that extra energy to find my bycicle before I do, cuz like I said, Niggas is stupid. I know three things,

1) The Thief doesnt live far from the scene f the crime.(Cuz Niggas dont like walking too far)

2) The Thief WILL return to the scene of the crime( Cuz Niggas is slow)

3) I WILLL whoop that Niggas ass when I see him.

I have dealt with bieng under estimated my whole life and very rarely have I had to rise to the occasion to prove that I am not to be toyed with cuz people normally leave me alone.
But this time....

I'll let yall know how it goes....TheGift

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

::Woes of a broke Fisherman::

I think I'm about to dissapear.

I.... I think its time for a magic act. What happens to the world when its missing one of its Gifts? Theoretically, I know the answer, but every theory needs to be backed up. So....I think I'm quitting. Everything.

This is ironic for reasons I won't explain,but that's the plan anyway. I quit everything. Cuz I have been playing on your team and not on mine. I have ignored the fundamental lessons I have learned and I have suffered for it, so goodbye cruel world, for now.

I guess you're wondering what the flapjacks I'm talking about huh? "Is he talking suicide?" "Is he leaving the country?" "Is he quitting college?"

To be fair, I can't really call it quitting. Its a general reassessment. Coming from a new spiritual new year, I feel the pressing need to be better than I once was and to do so I must reorder my mind,change my environment and excel in a new one.

In other words, I am leaving everything I was behind for a while, to reorganize everything into anew structure.

I know that creative writers in a blog would find some way to tie all this randomness together but those who would read this may see me in these words and undestand. For those who can't I leave a bit of wisdom from my mentor:

"I never fish, if I'm gonna have to throw it back"


In other words,If you can't eat a 400 pound fish, don't catch it. If your boat can't support an extra 400 pounds, don't catch it. If your line can't support 400 pounds, don't cast it.

I stand before you, a man, with a leaky boat, a trashy line, a splintered rod with very pretty words. But in reality, my words will not save me. They are just pretty words.

So, Imma go buy a new boat at any cost. Become Great at all costs....TheGift

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"There are times, when you'll need someone. I will be by your side.There is a light that shines. Special for you, Baby."

That was the song where I first liked Common. I don't know if that chorus was a sample or not,but I know that to a 13 year old boy it just sounded like the truth. And I loved singing it. Me and my guy Common have had our ups and downs since then, I absoluteley despised his flow for years after that.

Then I only started bumping his verses on other peoples songs. He went smoothe on his verse for Erykah Badu's "Love of My life". I remember thinking that maybe bieng in love made him rap better.

Whan Kanye West dropped His first album, He had a verse on track 9 "Get em High" that I still consider to be one of his best.

"How could I ever let your words affect me//they say hip-hop is dead,I'm here to ressrect ME"

I still thought he was wack though. Just hot on other peoples songs. What kind of artist can't be hot on his own? Then I had a Common revelation, "Be" Hit the stands and his hit single "Go" rocked hard. I started ta bumpin Common. Admittadly I was hesitant, and his album was slept on for a reason, cuz It wasn't THE hottest,some of the tracks wasn't that hard. But that song "Testify" was pure poetry. I had to give it up to Common. This man is the truth.

The final straw though? "Finding Forever". Hands down one of my favorite albums. Ever. "The Corner" with the last poets "Misunderstood" all speak to my very soul by a brother who comes from a generation with more integrity than my own.

Anyway, I guess the message here is, Don't sleep on Common. He's the truth. You'll regret it. He has consistantly been on "Team Hip-Hop" saving the artform we know and love from impending doom by snap dance,soulja boy tellin em, and Gucci man's ignorance.

If you ever need that peace of mind that only our generation can appreciate, Kick back, relax and play dat track:

"There are times...."


Thursday, September 17, 2009

I adore her mind

I want to tell her that her mind is her greatest asset and that she should guard it with her life. For her and her daughter’s sake, she should learn how to control her mental processes. I want to tell her that, to worry about things that are outside of her control is futile and will give her ulcers, because that leaves so many things to worry about. I want to tell her that, her life is far too precious to be shortened by something as trivial as money worries. I want to tell her that, no man should ever be able to cause her grief or pain because so few men are worth her time, that it is highly likely that the man who is causing the grief and pain is not one of them.

I want to tell her so much, but she’s gone. I cannot see her. When I speak she hears me as if I am muffled. She sees me through a mist. She knows that I am the truth, but she believes that the things standing between her and I are also truth, when they are not. What the world has told her is truth is not. Drake thinks that truth is money, cars, clothes and hoes, he is mistaken. Doctors think truth is their western medicine, created by Hippocrates, King of hypocrites. They are mistaken……Let that though trail…..

I am a teacher by nature. I took a test once that said so. The test was a part of my college courses and it measured my learning style. What it said about my type was that we absorb information faster and better than others in our peer group and that we re-enforce this information in our minds by teaching it to others or tutoring others. Go figure.

I had a friend once with whom I shared my insight, but her learning style severely clashed with my teaching style and my learning style didn’t suit her because she no longer had anything for me to learn. Furthermore se balked when she discovered that I thought of her as a student. I wasn’t sure what she wanted from me, but I wish her the best and hope that she finds what she seeks. She just can’t find it from me.

I dug up my favorite blogger’s (Allaisia Hanan- phone number a few days ago because I was looking for inspiration. Who knows if she even remembers giving me her number cause I only used it like twice and our respective lives have been in a whirl wind since then so I almost expected her not to remember me, but she did. Cause she’s a boss like that.

So when I told her that I wanted her to inspire me, she said she was fresh out of inspiration. She told me that I had caught her on the absolute worst day for inspiration possible and she was sorry she couldn’t help. So what was I to do? I asked how I could help. As we pressed on into our conversation it molded itself into a mutually inspirational experience. An it was wonderful. Why am I telling you this? Cuz this is what I do. I strive, achieve and succeed so that others can do the same. I try and lead by example (which doesn’t always work) and I keep it pushing. I was taught that I am a Son of the Most High, the light at the end of the tunnel and in part, my destiny is to be Mankind’s last great hope for redemption. With all that weight on my shoulders, it’s good to find someone who says I’m doing a good Job.

\/Watchables: Watch “The Secret”. It’ll blow ya mind
\/Readables: Read Dune by Frank Herbert I read it when I was 13. I started it again. Its still effing awesome.
\/Munchables:Go to Kroger and try some vegan cookies from their Health food section.
\/Audibles: Forever Young by Jay-Z off The Blueprint 3

Good luck kids. God speed.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Passionate Panorantic

So I'm thinking, Maybe I'll expand the scope of my blogging concept. Certainly I can rant. But something has to really push me over the edge in order for me to get in a really good one.

Maybe I'll just be known for my passion and intensity? I got plenty of those!

\||/Watcheables: Inglorious Basterds:

You might already know this, but Quentin Tarintino is a genius and a legend. Fa real.

Inglorious Batserds is a Seperate story about Nazi Germany and the fall of Hitler. Told with a beautiful spin, casting stereotypical carachters against brilliant underlying pains,plots and inner conflicts.

Its wonderful. And leutinant Aldo Rain is My very favorite Bradd Pitt Charachter EVER! Followed at a close second by Achilles of course. Lol

\||/Readables: read in your proffesion today! Become educated about your vocation! My current readings are all books about writing.

The Art of Writing by Andre Maurois is definately a good one! Being a french writer of the early to mid Nineteen Hundreds, he doesn't mention any Female writers at all!(Except George Sand. But she had issues)
Good read

\||/Audibles: BLUPRINT 3 IN STORES SEPT. 11th!!!!

Real Jay-Z fans are BUYING the album. Regardless of who leaked what! Lol.
Current track: Touch the sky:Kanye West

\||/Doables: Inspire someone today!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

View on Vick

Now let's chit chat for a second. I'm still not all the way back to my angry self yet but I have had a little bit of a topic to stoke the fires of Hell within me.

Let's Talk Michael Vick.

My first introduction to Michael Vick was when my father(who seldom watches football, like myself) told me that he had heard what the streets of Atlanta were whispering. "Michael Vick is The Truth". Naturally as a seeker of The Truth, I was interested.

What followed was one of my only forays into the sports scene, as I followed one mans career and he got me of all people excited about Football. I like the rest of My city was in love, with the Greatest Quaterback we had seen in years, Number 7, Michael (Fucking) Vick

Then it all came crashing down. We called Vick stupid, we said he had ruined his career, But we couldn't anticipate it to go this far! 23 MONTHS FOR DOG FIGHTING???? What The sam FUCK is that about???

Somebody get me the math! How many people do that much time for dog fighting? Insanity! Anyway, when our hero is finally let out after serving 18 career crushing months of time, he is still getting shitted on in the media.

They say he shouldn't be allowed to play. They say he hasn't shown remorse. Some dumb bitch said he should donate half his salary to animal shelters! Sit down Stupid!

How many cock fighting rings you bust down recently? Better yet, how much of your chinese food has doggie bits in it?

Then Some dumb heffier, The one talking all this shit, Went and let HER DOG SUFFOCATE AND DIE OF HEAT EXHAUSTION IN HER CAR!!! WTF???

Robin Starr is the head of the Richmond SPCA and her dog died in her car. They asked for her resignation. RESIGNATION? SEND THE BITCH TO JAIL! Let her do 18 months! Then when she gets out, tell her dumb ass to devote half of what she's earning TO MICHAEL FUCKING VICK!

Ohhhhh I'm pissed!

And I just found out today, that ARTHUR BLANK owner of The Falcons, was on SAFARI when he got the news about Vick's Indightment! He don't give a shit about animals! He was shooting at em! Dumb bastard!

Anyways, I think Vick loves animals. He played faithfully for the Falcons and now he's playing for the Eagles. Both members of the animal Kingdom. I aint never rooted for the Eagles a day in my life but I'm rooting for Michael Fucking Vick. And If you wanna get mad at me because I support a black man who got crucified for no reason, you might as well get mad at every christian on the planet suckas!


Monday, August 24, 2009

Drake says "Take That D!"

Delayed Rant# 1. Broken PeePee

So the premise for this rant happened a couple weeks ago. Lets see if I can get the anger back.

So some of you may have seen Drake's debut single's Music video, "Best I ever had".
Some of you may already know how I feel about the Music video in question and these feelings invole plenty breast jokes. Lemme rewrite the song real quick:

"Shawty you got everythang, Up top is all I ever wanted//
Yo titties is real big, and yo tight ass shirt can flaunt it//"
___Drake "Breast I ever had."

That about sums it up, However there was one line that had me ROLLINg!
During half time at this basketball game, Coach Draketells the team to
"Take that D! You take that D like the champions you are!"

Really Drake? A transparent sex reference with no sound track? Too funny!

Which brings me to why I'm ticked. After reading a Facebook status and doing a lil
Google research I have rewritten that classic line as well:

"Break that D! You break that D like the champions you are!"

Yes. The D can Break.
Apparently there is a horrible medical affliction of the phallus known as "Broken Penis" Syndrome where The Dick can just.. Break! Just like that! snap! Broken Dick. WHAAAAAAATTTT????

WTF man?

I looked it up! Apparently over 1,000 american men suffer from Broken Dick every year! Who knew it could break??? Shouldn't there be an owners manual? Nobody ever told me Id have to
Worry about it breaking! This is just another reason to be celibate.

I was already worried about several things. Getting kicked in the nads, somegirl who doesnt know the meaning "giving a (gentle)helping hand", Chicks who bite, STD's and other random stuff but now it can break? I do NOT appreciate this crap!

Dammit I lost the thread of this rant! you get the point right? This that Bullshit!
Ok Imma go and see what else the world holds in store for the angry Broken Poet.

\||/Watchables:Sister Sister(Throoooooowwwwbaaaack!)
\||/Readables: 7 Habits of Highly effective people
\||/Doables:Go to The Park! Leave suggestions! Holla!


Extra Extra! Read all about it! TheGift loses his Moxy!

So I had a plan for this blog. The PanoRANTic View was supposed to be big!
It still might be. So if this were a TV show this would be the synopsis:

" In todays society, everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Recessions, Old Presidents,New Presidents,(Even Old Old Presidents), Social changes, and the state of civilization has been in an uproar and people are Pissed. Everything is changing and the things that should stay the same or get better are progressively getting worse. these are the view points of one man. Angry at the world. Watch Him go APE SHIT!"

Ok ok, crappy synopsis, but you get the point right? I'm shitty! Pissed and not afraid to admit it. And I got some friends who are shitty too! So I want to talk about my problems the best way I know how. YELLING LIKE A FRIGGIN MANIAC!

Admitadly not the greatest idea, or the most original but it works for me.

However, lately, I havent been writing. I havent been writing cuz I havent been angry. Or sad. or happy. Or in love or jealous or anything.

See, I'm one of those psycho's who cuts off his emotional cantact from time to time because I cant deal with all these fucking "feeeeeeelings". And I found out the other day that you need "feeeeelings" to be a good writer! That's news to me!

So this is a test run. like a test pilot, pilot episode. Just to see if I got it in me.

I never realized how much my emotions defined me before. As a performer, most of my stage presence comes from anger which explains why I bombed at Java Monkey a couple weeks ago. I dont care what anybody says, I did not do well at that show!

I like so many others, forsook feeling due to a broken heart,but I am starting to think that its not worth it. Maybe emotions have a purpose. maybe they have meaning.

So I am now on a mission to get my feelings back.
Maybe if you give my pilot,pilot a bad review I'll be pissed enough to write a real rant ? Try it out and see. You might help me catapault back to my old mean and viscious self again. Maybe then I'll be happy.
