Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fads And Phrases continued......

YO! So BlackBerry's server went down yesterday and I couldn't finish Blog Bombing so I decided to carry over my theme from Yesterday. Enjoy!

Let's talk Gaga. Lady Gaga That is. Why is she a fad and not filed under music? CUZ SHES TEMPORARY! (I hope)

Nah, how did she go from Poker face(Song about Cunningulus) to Poke HER Face(Cudi,Common and Kanye, On Cunningulus)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. How dare you!!!!
    Gaga is a genius!she's been out all if a year and she's already a LEGEND!!!
    + she's the freshest female ever(besides RiRi)!!

